Saturday, December 25, 2010
The Trillion dollar question is who is Funding the Taliban's? And how do the Arms and Ammunition reach them?
The Trillion dollar question is who is Funding the Taliban's? And how do the Arms and Ammunition reach them?
Afghan Taliban’s, engaged in fighting the combined NATO and US occupational army in Afghanistan and Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) raising insurgency within Pakistani territory are very heavily armed and equipped with the latest and most sophisticated weapons !
It is worth pondering as to who is funding them and by means of which route does their supply’s reach them? Is there some external force/s interest involved in this destabilization in Pakistan, in particular? It is pertinent that proper thorough investigation be conducted as to from whom the Taliban get money and funds to run their terror game and why?!!
It couldnt be from the poppy trade as it is a known fact that during the Taliban rule over Afghanistan they were instrumental in implementing a successful drug eradication program, with the support and collaboration of the UN. Implemented in 2000-2001, the Taliban's drug eradication program led to a 94 percent decline in opium cultivation. In 2001, according to UN figures, opium production had fallen to 185 tons. Immediately following the October 2001 US led invasion, production increased dramatically, regaining its historical levels.
This possibility was been ruled out as the main funding factor by Mr. Richards Holbrooke, special envoy of President .Obama, for Afghanistan and Pakistan affairs, at press briefing and other forums many a months ago. However,I do recall that after having made this statement he changed it again and went back to the drug being the main source of Taliban during EU meeting latter on.
It would be fair to first comprehend the difference between the two Taliban’s operating on each side of the Afghanistan and Pakistan borders must be understood while reading the text contents down below!
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in particular is totally parallel to Afghan Taliban mostly carrying Pashtun people in their force. If their basic aim and cause is to be observed, Afghan Taliban have prime target to send the Americans and NATO packing out of Afghanistan and Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP ) has the goal of implementation of their own brand of Sharia inside Pakistan under the banner of Wahabism.
There are many views expressed by people from different walks of life on this issue when raised on public forums. Some claim that the funding is by Saudi citizens or Princes, sympathizers of Bin Laden, for the cause of promoting wahabism (one of the Muslim religious school of thought) .Others claim that it is the religious parties based in Pakistan who are helping them sustain while few feel that it is the neighboring country, India’s RAW, Israel, Mossad and American CIA,intelligentsia combined conspiracy to destabilize Pakistan to make it look like a failed state whose nuclear arsenal are in danger of falling into the hands of the armed Muslim fundamentalists/militants, the Taliban's.Some of the analysts claim that the arms supplied by the US to the Afghanistan have some how leaked to the Taliban’s and also another version is that the Taliban’s old foes in Afghanistan the Northern alliance have some how been helping them out by selling their arms and ammunition.The more mouths the greater the view points and speculations.
Let us examine and rule out the possibilities above on one by one basis.
Drug Money from the poppy crop: which according to some estimate is second largest trade in the world after oil and its earning are in billions. It is also claimed that about 9o+ percentage is from Afghanistan. Though these statistics could be correct yet it is a fact that during the Taliban’s rule 1996 till their being ousted by the US invasion in 2001 there is substantial evidence that the poppy cultivation declined during the Taliban rule by 97% i.e. from 3600 tonnes to 1.85 and rose to record 4700 tonnes after the US invasion and the continued rule till now of its backed puppet regime of MR.Karzai.These figure were corroborated by the UN team. and .
Saudi citizen sympathizers of Bin laden and to promote Wahabism in Northern regions of Pakistan through TTP and in Afghanistan by Taliban’s of Afghanistan: If anybody was to believe that then the only wise comment would be that the US have made a mistake by invading Iraq and Afghanistan! Actually they should have targeted the Saudi Arabians..I really don’t think there is a case, it is openly trying to throw the suspicion unto Saudi Arabia. We all know that Saudi’s royalty and its subject would never get involved in supporting criminal activity which the militants at present are perpetrating against their loyal friend Pakistan and of course their ally’s the USA. It is apparent it is inferred only for the reason that Osama, is from Saudi Arabia apart from that linkage the contention are entirely based on suppositions. I find it is very hard to digest something which emanates from mere gossiping! What is the motivation and benefits these Saudi citizens can accrue by dishing out their wealth to some one like Osama or by having Pakistan destabilized? Regarding the Wahabism cause! The truth is never ever in Wahabism it is taught to blow mosques, tombs, girls’ schools and kill innocent people through suicide bombing. No, one can quote a single statement of a Wahhabi Scholar based in Saudi Arabia who endorses Suicide killings in markets, public places, blowing up Mosques of rival groups,Funerals and Hospitals etc.It,evidently appears to be deliberately involving Saudis in the havoc inside Pakistan and creating a sense of mistrust for the Pakistan and Saudi relations, who are since ages sincere to each other and to all the Muslims. As stated earlier above, TTP (Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan) has their goal of implementing their own brand of Sharia inside Pakistan under their self styled banner of Wahabism.Which has been rejected by both the Muslims school of thought the Barelvi and the Deobandi.
The Religious Parties in Pakistan: A far out and not remotely possible! as they themselves are dependent on funding for their own Madras functioning and survival, from the country mostly like U.A.E and M.E etc.So how could they ever afford such huge amounts which the Taliban’s appear to be receiving on regular basis. Secondly all have jointly already condemned and rejected the actions carried out so far by the TTP and the brand of shariah they(TTP) claim for to be implemented in Pakistan.
The neighboring country, India’s RAW, Israel’s Mossad and American CIA,intelligentsia combined conspiracy to destabilize Pakistan to make it look like a failed state whose nuclear arsenal are in danger of falling into the hands of the Muslim fundamentalists armed militants, the Taliban's.:This is a general view prevalent within the Pakistani populace that we need to understand. It is believed that Uzbek's operating with TTP are loyal to Northern Alliance of Afghanistan, Afghan National Army and most importantly they are in alliance with Americans, Indians and Israelis. They are being continuously supported, armed, funded and trained by US Intelligence just to create havoc in the northern Areas of Pakistan.. This is evident since many of those foreign militants killed in the ongoing Pak-army operation Rah-e-Rast were Uzbek's. it is also a fact that they have been linked with the country’s that have been allegedly or presumably been named, so did Pakistan in those days.! But the Northern alliance it is a known fact has never been Pakistan friendly even during the cold war days .Secondly it was observed that since the activities of the TTP increased in Pakistan the focus of terrorist attack in Afghanistan on US and NATO forces had declined drastically. This could be a possible gain? It is also given to understand by the local defense analysts views expressed through the media that there are 17 regiments of the Indian Army alongside the border working under the Umbrella of the US and sheltering and arming the terrorists for activities into Pakistan. It is believed that the Taliban’s are mere puppets in the hands of vested foreign non-Muslim interests. That they have been propped up to create a destabilized image about Pakistan internationally, with the malafide intents that its government is to weak to rule. That it has turned vulnerable to the extent that its Nukes may fall in the hands of the Taliban extremist militants. Thus paving the way of these vested interests to have an excuse to walk in and take control of the Nukes themselves! Everyone, even a child in Pakistan speaks of this motive and who shall benefit and how from all this, if they succeed. The major factor contributing towards suspicions to the CIA are the drone (unmanned planes) missiles attacks within Pakistan’s territory causing death of innocent locals and destruction of their houses in the tribal belt is a counter-productive act being carried out by the CIA. It is a dampener for the US image within the hearts and minds of the local people of tribal areas as well as the whole of the Pakistani populace. The US made and Indian marking weapons seized during the recently launched Pakistan Army operation against the TTP in the FATA/PATA regions are all creating doubts about the US intentions towards Pakistan.
It is baffling from where and whom Baithullah Masood the supremo of TTP gets 4 Arab PK Rupees to spend annually to maintain his force of 15000 militants?
Where are the intelligence agencies? Can they not locate the main headquarters of Taliban and AQ, and storm them to arrest all the senior leaders including Osama? Now the latest techniques can be use to locate the trouble makers easily.
But till now the Valiant armed forces and for once the Pakistani political forces have kept aside their differences and personal gains and shown exemplary display of discipline, faith and unity for the sake of the country’s solidarity and sovereignty and kept their motherland safe from these nefarious designs to succeed.
The above are though speculations yet! are definitely thought provoking!
Recently, Mr.Richard Brooke,President.Obama’s,envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan has pointed out that it is the gulf country who are funding the Taliban's !,0,5007706.story
I certainly with all due respects for Mr.Brooke intelligence, don't agree with this contention of his that the Gulf states are supporting the Taliban cause.
Since,it is a fact that all are US allies and even if not an ally still none of them have the gall or guts to risk doing that against US+NATO,whose wrath they very well know they would not be able to sustain nor good for their health. Besides, what could they possibly benefit or gain by doing so ?.
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