Friday, March 23, 2012


Summer is about to come around and so shall it entail the dreaded electricity shortage and prolonged load shedding to overcome the shortfall :)

Karachites prevail upon the government with a proposal to buy out the K.E.S.C, from the foreign investor and management for their failure to live up to the expectation of the contracts signed between them and the consumers at the time of providing the subscriber the connection.

I suggest,form a panel of experts consisting of lawyers,financial professionals,KESC union,Industrialists and civil society's office bearers etc.

After having done this let the panel vet the contract between the supplier and the consumer and...... the government's terms of sale of the utility to the present owner.After having identified the clauses in which the utility has failed to live up to it's contract and liable to be penalized the petition should be submitted to the Sindh High Court, for readdress.

This is just a loose frame work and strategy,but if undertaken in earnest with complete sincerity and devotion it can bear long term fruit for the citizens of Karachi.If it proves successful it can turn into a role model for all the supply company's status else where in the country.

In short, just like the devolution of political power through the local body system.This devolution of electricity supply power can be given to the grass root people to run in-accordance with their own capacities,while the generation of the power to be supplied is retained by the government at the centre as it presently stands.

I ,am not recommending a protest nor nationalization,rather it is a suggestion to evolve a solution turning the consumers into stake holders.This would generate responsibility as it is a fact that one is more careful,honest and attentive to things in which ones own benefit is at stake.Regarding power theft,I really doubt anyone could benefit stealing from his own coffer.

In my opinion,the sale of a necessary utility to foreigners is as good as cutting off ones own hands.

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