Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Friends of yesterday Fiends today ?...Heroes of the Past..Zero of Present!

Invade, and occupy forcibly a sovereign country, after toppling its government and kill their innocent civilian, men,women and children , in night raids and drone attacks. Then expect no retaliation as a consequence, from the ousted regime members and  the victims heirs that they would not even say, OUCH !

Appears to be a very naive way of thinking.Have they no realization that they are into war with the Afghan freedom fighters and they would hit them whenever they get the opportunity…So,why blame Pakistan for that ?

It is indeed ironic, that whenever the Taliban’s strike them (US/NATO) where it hurts,they start pointing fingers at Pakistan…Someone must ask them,if ISI is responsible for attacks on them (Which is not true),then is it alright to accuse, CIA to be behind the uncountable terrorist attacks in Pakistan ?

If viewed pragmatically, the phobic focus on the Haqqani group doesn’t sound to be correct!…They have 150,000 of their ISAF troops,same amount of highly skilled Private Military Contractors and a equal number of Afghan army and security personnel’s stationed in Afghanistan…Then why cannot they themselves ensure that no cross border infiltration takes place ?

I see no reason for them to blame Pakistan and to push them for action against the Haqqanis,who have never threatened them! Unless sinisterly , they want Pakistanis resenting their army for going after their own people in the bargain within our own country…

The factual state of affairs is that Pakistan is neither at war with the US/ISAF nor the Afghan Taliban's.Pakistan's role in the war against terror is understood to be within it's own sovereign territorial remits.Which is based on intelligence sharing and logistic facilitation.The US should understand that the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is of a huge stretch of length and it is not physically possible for Pakistan to secure it alone.I understand Pakistan has around 800 posts along the border whereas comparatively the US/ISAF have 200 ?The problem is nakedly visible.They must remove this disparity and ensure that from their end no infiltration is allowed.Blaming Pakistan or Haqqani group apparently seems to be a smoke screen to hide their own failures...Enough is enough,they should have some spine now to admit their own failures before their own people and the world…

It would be their biggest mistake after the NAM experience ,if in case they try to push Pakistan, against the wall…The Pakistan, of today is not dollar hungry one they have been dealing with.It is a new Pakistan where all the Pakistanis,unitedly voice,PAKISTAN FIRST!

The ground reality according to many analyst, apparently seems like a possibility of the US planning to use the so-called Haqqani Network Bogey, to launch an attack on Pakistani soil. The same way they used the so-called Al-Qaeda Network as a pretext to attack Afghanistan, a decade back ?. Could the clubbing of two sovereign country’s together as Af-Pak, possibly had a sinister,ulterior and nefarious design behind it ? Those who since a decade have failed to conquer a rag picking country such as Afghanistan are deluded to believe Pakistan would be a walk in the park.


a) Haqqani's are based and in control of Khost and Paktia in Afghanistan,not in Pakistan.Why does not the US forces take care of them there ?

b) US is in occupation of their country and at war with them.Thus it should be naturally expect as freedom fighters they would attack the invaders/occupiers.

c) Pakistan neither supports or shelters nor is at war with them.

d)They are no threat to Pakistan,then why should Pakistan be expected to attack them and create another enemy for it's self ?. Already it has it's hands full being the biggest victim of terrorism, fighting others wars !

Pakistan is not supporting nor sheltering,any group involved in militancy against anyone!...As a matter of fact the Pakistani forces patrolling the Pak-Afghan border are on regular basis being attacked by lethally armed militants,crossing over from Afghan side of the border into Pakistan !Why has the NATO been unable to stop their infiltration, is it possible that they shelter them for the same purpose ?

Rational thinking says Pakistan,should quit this so-called war on terror and concentrate upon the internal threats lurking around...Period

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