Thursday, March 29, 2012


Today in Pakistan pick up your newspaper or switch on your television sets and scan through the news channels and the print .And tell, how many of you have found any positive thing about Pakistan between two news intervals, how many of you can proudly claim to present any good about Pakistan to the world, how many of you are happy with this kind of imaging of Pakistan to the rest of the world ?.

Undeniably and without any dispute in this present technically advanced age and times, the media is the most important and powerful source and tool, which reflects the image of the society.It builds consent of the nation for which the nation advances and cultivates in its intellect, culture and dynamism. In recent times the Pakistani media presents themselves with such a disbeliever image that it is to understand the reasons about certain irresponsibly,sensationalizing News being published and aired by few....

It is commonly felt that media is certainly responsible for all what happen in the country in terms of creating opinions and views of the people on any issue. They can make and break the news.However it is not the only the fault of the media alone,but some what the public is also responsible, because due to their interest the News channels are showing those type of news which scandalizes,creates a hype and rumors.Importantly it must be must realized that publishing or broadcasting unconfirmed and unauthenticated news,especially on national security issues is not going to be helpful, rather it is going to prove detrimental to the security interest of our country ! Therefore they should understand their responsibility well, in order to create harmony and valuable news

You see it is a fact that most countries around the world monitor foreign media takeovers or alliances, to ensure that national security is not compromised by foreign indoctrination. For instance in the US, foreign national are allowed to own a TV network.The same rule created difficulties for the Australian billionaire TV magnate Rupert Murdoch,who wanted to start his now famous right wing Fox TV Channel in the US.Thus in order to bypass the rule the billionaire applied for a US citizenship which he got and brought the Fox Channel to the US. Even starting a homegrown channel for broadcast on cable is difficult in the US if it doesn’t conform to the mainstream American values. This can be adjudged from the story of the Muslim TV network called Bridges TV which had to find 10,000 cable customers willing to subscribe to it before such a channel could be aired…

Just recall, how strict the US is in monitoring and restricting their media from not airing or publishing issue which could compromise the national security or interest…In the past their former Ambassador to Pakistan,even went to the extent of going after the scalps of our media personnel’s for having voiced contents which in their opinion could possibly harm their interest and security!…

Actually to be completely honest, I am quite perplexed with the foreign country's leaders and media's unusual focus on a poor country like ours. A single death occurrence of a journalist,or a domestic violence and criminal incident etc, grabbed extraordinary attention from them. Whence on the contrary they remained completely aloof and oblivious of the 35,000 civilian lives and 10,000 security personnel’s martyrdom in Pakistan!...

I feel it is time that we and the media learnt to differentiate between a single incident and an issue...The former is a solitary once in a blue moon kind of an event and the latter a continuous process over a period of time...The point is that a incident should be treated as a stray event and should not be hyped into reflecting as an issue which generalizes and drags a whole intuitions, community, society, nation or religion on trial...For instance we all agree that all Muslims Christians or Hindus etc are not terrorist,just because a few of them strayed and committed a wrongful act ?..

How many of you would agree with me that a particular event of a young man who got killed in a incident sometime back in Karachi-Pakistan by a rangers patrol party, was a random standalone incident and not a regular issue, such as being confronted regularly by the whole nation? For instance the ones pertaining to the deteriorating law and order situation, terrorism wave, energy and other economic crisis, which indeed can be termed as an issue to the extent that the whole institution should be put to trial ?....

It is public knowledge and I am certain that you are aware that the Kerry Luger Bill earmarked 50 million dollars just for buying media influence in Pakistan. Many Pakistani analysts have been given “grants” to study in the US and do “fellowships” in US think-tanks including govt. funded institutions like the US -Institute for Peace…

Don’t you feel that Pakistan should also have some laws and regulations which limit and deny such foreign acquisitions/interference in critical areas like oil companies, essential mineral resources and more importantly the media, thereby ensuring Pakistani media is free of foreign interests and solely dedicated to the welfare of the Pakistani nation? It is also important that our government take strict notice of such dole-outs which are designed to curtail the freedom of media in Pakistan ? .

Friday, March 23, 2012


Summer is about to come around and so shall it entail the dreaded electricity shortage and prolonged load shedding to overcome the shortfall :)

Karachites prevail upon the government with a proposal to buy out the K.E.S.C, from the foreign investor and management for their failure to live up to the expectation of the contracts signed between them and the consumers at the time of providing the subscriber the connection.

I suggest,form a panel of experts consisting of lawyers,financial professionals,KESC union,Industrialists and civil society's office bearers etc.

After having done this let the panel vet the contract between the supplier and the consumer and...... the government's terms of sale of the utility to the present owner.After having identified the clauses in which the utility has failed to live up to it's contract and liable to be penalized the petition should be submitted to the Sindh High Court, for readdress.

This is just a loose frame work and strategy,but if undertaken in earnest with complete sincerity and devotion it can bear long term fruit for the citizens of Karachi.If it proves successful it can turn into a role model for all the supply company's status else where in the country.

In short, just like the devolution of political power through the local body system.This devolution of electricity supply power can be given to the grass root people to run in-accordance with their own capacities,while the generation of the power to be supplied is retained by the government at the centre as it presently stands.

I ,am not recommending a protest nor nationalization,rather it is a suggestion to evolve a solution turning the consumers into stake holders.This would generate responsibility as it is a fact that one is more careful,honest and attentive to things in which ones own benefit is at stake.Regarding power theft,I really doubt anyone could benefit stealing from his own coffer.

In my opinion,the sale of a necessary utility to foreigners is as good as cutting off ones own hands.

Blasphemy Law are maintained in more then a few Europeans countries, inclusive of UK and USA...

"When u attack Black people, they call it RACISM.

When u attack Jewish people,they call it ANTISEMITISM.

When u attack women, they call it SEXISM.

When u attack homosexuality,they call it INTOLERANCE.

When u attack a Country, they call it TREASON.

When u attack a religious sect, they HATE.

But when...they...attack the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), they call it FREEDOM OF SPEECH? "

How can citizens of European nations which maintain blasphemy laws — and there are more than a few — cry foul when Muslims are offended by a cartoon, when they themselves press charges and demand imprisonment over something as simple as a pop star making negative statements about their religion and an artist in Russia? There may be a difference in the degree of punishment, but isn’t the intent the same, to silence those who don’t agree?

1) Polish pop star faces two years' prison for blasphemy

2)Russian art exhibitors convicted of blasphemy

It is a fact that they indulge in hypocrisy and maintain dual standards. Blasphemy laws are maintained in more then a few in European country's inclusive of UK and USA...In, Christianity it carry's the same punishment as in Islam...Death!

Blasphemy laws - nowadays often altered to include blasphemy regardless of religion - exist in several countries, such as in:

Austria (Articles 188, 189 of the penal code)

Finland (Section 10 of chapter 17 of the penal code)

Unsuccessful attempts were made to rescind the law in 1914, 1917, 1965, 1970 and 1998.

Germany (Article 166 of the penal code)

Islamic Republic of Iran


The Netherlands (Article 147 of the penal code)

New Zealand (Section 123 of the Crimes Act 1961)

Spain (Article 525 of the penal code)

Switzerland (Article 261 of the penal code)

The United Kingdom

Denmark (Paragraph 140 of the penal code).

Was up to revision in 2004, but failed to gain majority.

Has been discussed since, and especially after the Mohammed cartoons crisis.

The United States

In the United States, the First Amendment guarantees a relatively unlimited right of free speech, although some US states still have blasphemy laws on the books. Chapter 272 of the Massachusetts General Laws states, for example:

Section 36. Whoever willfully blasphemes the holy name of God by denying, cursing or contumaciously reproaching God, His creation, government or final judging of the world, or by cursing or contumaciously reproaching Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost, or by cursing or contumaciously reproaching or exposing to contempt and ridicule, the holy word of God contained in the holy scriptures shall be punished by imprisonment in jail for not more than one year or by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars, and may also be bound to good behavior.

The history of Maryland's blasphemy statutes suggests that even into the 1930s, the First Amendment was not recognized as preventing states from passing such laws. An 1879 codification of Maryland statutes prohibited blasphemy:

Art. 72, sec. 189. If any person, by writing or speaking, shall blaspheme or curse God, or shall write or utter any profane words of and concerning our Savior, Jesus Christ, or of and concerning the Trinity, or any of the persons thereof, he shall, on conviction, be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both fined and imprisoned as aforesaid, at the discretion of the court.

According to the marginalia, this statute was adopted in 1819, and a similar law dates back to 1723. In 1904, the statute was still on the books at Art. 27, sec. 20, unaltered in text.[1]. As late as 1939, this statute was still the law of Maryland.[2] It is unclear from the statutes and notes when Maryland's blasphemy statute was last prosecuted.

However, the US Supreme Court in Joseph Burstyn, Inc v Wilson 1952 held that the New York State blasphemy law was an unconstitutional prior restraint on freedom of speech. The court stated that "It is not the business of government in our nation to suppress real or imagined attacks upon a particular religious doctrine, whether they appear in publications, speeches or motion pictures."

The last person to be jailed in the United States for blasphemy was Abner Kneeland in 1838, as decided by the Massachusetts case Commonwealth v. Kneeland.

United Kingdom

Blasphemy laws in England have never been repealed. The last person in Britain to be sent to prison for blasphemy was John William Gott on 9 December 1921. He had three previous convictions for blasphemy when he was prosecuted... for publishing two pamphlets which satirised the biblical story of Jesus entering Jerusalem (Matthew 21:2-7), comparing Jesus to a circus clown. He was sentenced to nine months' hard labour.

In 1977, Denis Lemon, the editor of Gay News was found guilty of blasphemous libel for publishing James Kirkup's poem The Love that Dares to Speak its Name which allegedly vilified Christ and his life (Whitehouse v. Lemon). Lemon was fined £500 and sentenced to a suspended sentence of nine months imprisonment. It had been "touch and go", said the judge, whether he would actually send Lemon to jail.

In 2002, a deliberate and well-publicised public, repeat reading of the poem The Love that Dares to Speak its Name took place on the steps of St Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square and failed to lead to any prosecution.

Blasphemy in Christianity

Leviticus 24:16 states that those who speak blasphemy "shall surely be put to death".

Christian theology may condemn blasphemy, as in the Luke 12:10, where blaspheming the Holy Spirit is spoken of as unforgivable.

...However, in the simpler message of the time of Jesus, when Christian ideas relied upon the influence of natural authority against the then secular religious power of the Second Jewish Temple period, (positions exchanged in the centuries that followed), this admonishment may be interpreted as warning against an actual reaction from the Holy Spirit in the form of a curse that can irreparably harm a person (and thus be unforgivable but not by dictate). This statement in effect establishes the importance of this aspect of the Godhead, rather than setting an arbitrary law.

A careful reading of Mark (from the American Standard) shows this: Mark 3:29 "But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin." The more metaphysical aspects of early Christianity being now occluded by the dogma of secular religious authority.

The last prosecution for blasphemy in Scotland was in 1843.

Blasphemy in Islam

Blasphemy in Islam constitutes speaking ill of Muhammad, of any other prophet mentioned in the Qur'an, or of any Biblical prophets. Speaking ill of God is also blasphemy. Blasphemy is considered a very serious offence and may be punishable by death if charges are proven. British author Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses was seen by many Muslims to contain blasphemies against Islam, and Iranian clerical leader Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa in 1989 calling for Rushdie's death. More recently, the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons were criticised in part on the basis that they were blasphemous against Muhammad. The Egyptian government under pressure by the parliament banned the film The Da Vinci Code and is to confiscate the novel for containing blasphemy.

The Quran is a holy heavenly scripture and since the day it was revealed upon Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)) though the angel Jibrael (Gabrial) 1400 years ago.Not a comma or full stop has been changed in its contents and neither can any true Muslim ever even think of making a change in it.It is in its true and original form and this is the beauty and purity of this holy book and the miracle affects of its wisdom texts teachings.

If you go and re-read the above notes content you will come to understand that the Blasphemy law in Islam not only protects the honor and respect of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH),but in all earnest and fairness Protects.Jesus and all Prophets!

Moral of the story: You cannot live in a glass house and throw stones at others !...

Suicide attack,suicide bombing, homicide bombing, or "kamikaze, was not invented by the Muslims!

The suicide bombing: Suicide is Haram (Prohibited and sinful) committed in any manner.Having said that allow me to clarify the misconception that a suicide attack (also known as suicide bombing, homicide bombing, or "kamikaze") was not invented by the Muslim's.

Historically,the Bible Book of Judges recounts the story of the Jewish hero Samson and how he killed himself by bringing down the temple of the Philistines in order to kill three thousand Philistines.

In the late 17th century, Qing official Yu Yonghe recorded that injured Dutch soldiers fighting against Koxinga's forces for control of Taiwan in 1661 would use gunpowder to blow up both themselves and their opponents rather than be taken prisoner. However, the Chinese observer may have well confused such suicidal tactics with the standard Dutch military practice of undermining and blowing up positions recently overrun by the enemy which almost cost Koxinga his life during the siege.During the Belgian Revolution, Dutch Lieutenant Jan van Speijk detonated his own ship in the harbor of Antwerp to prevent being captured by the Belgians. In the 18th century John Paul Jones wrote about Ottoman sailors setting their own ships on fire and ramming the ships of their enemies, although they knew this meant certain death for them.

Modern suicide bombing as a political tool can be traced back to the assassination of Tsar Alexander II of Russia in 1881. Alexander fell victim to a Nihilist plot. While driving on one of the central streets of Saint Petersburg, near the Winter Palace, he was mortally wounded by the explosion of hand-made grenades and died a few hours afterwards. The Tsar was killed by a member of Narodnaya Volya, Ignacy Hryniewiecki, who died while intentionally exploding the bomb during the attack.

Rudolf Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff intended to assassinate Adolf Hitler by suicide bomb in 1943, but was unable to complete the attack.During the Battle for Berlin the Luftwaffe flew Selbstopfereinsatz against Soviet bridges over the Oder river. These missions were flown by pilots of the Leonidas Squadron under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Heiner Lange. From 17 April until 20 April 1945, using any aircraft that were available, the Luftwaffe claimed that the squadron destroyed 17 bridges, however the military historian Antony Beevor when writing about the incident thinks that this was exaggerated and that only the railway bridge at Küstrin was definitely destroyed. He comments that "thirty-five pilots and aircraft was a high price to pay for such a limited and temporary success". The missions were called off when the Soviet ground forces reached the vicinity of the squadron's airbase at Jüterbog.

Following World War II, Viet Minh "death volunteers" fought against the French Colonial Forces by using a long stick-like explosive to destroy French tanks.

Moral of the story: Smell yourself first and then criticize or raise your fingers at other's, Possibly you don't smell so good either!

Source: for historical incidents

Are Muslims terrorists or the victims of terrorism?

The very realistic and thought provoking questions which come to mind, are the Muslims terrorists or the victims of terrorism?. Now,if the terrorist are Muslims and their agenda is to kill Muslims,then why are the non-Muslims, threatened by it? Moreover,if Muslims were allegedly terrorists and a threat to the US, then why is it that Muslims country are the worst affected by terrorism and death at the hands of Muslim terrorists and that the Al-Qaeda, a supposedly Muslim terrorist network operating only in Muslim dominated countries causing death and destruction there?....
Allegedly Muslim terrorist, Killing Muslims, in Muslim countries? Doesn’t make sense?
It becomes difficult and hard to digest what could the so-called Muslims Network called Al-Qaeda benefit from causing death and destruction and destabilize Muslim countries? The manner in which the Muslim innocent men, women and children are being killed,the places being targeted by them such as mosques, schools and now even funerals and hospitals.It is beyond belief that a true Muslim,even a radical would never indulge in doing all that. The only plausible answer there can be is that they have to be paid mercenaries, in the garb of fanatic or radical Muslims. Remember Al-Qaeda’s agenda, as the west declares was to hit western interests and not Muslim countries?
In accordance to many conspiracy theories surrounding the 9/11 incident. It apparently seems one of them maybe true! Al-Qaeda, if not a baby of the US, then it has to be of the Zionist-Israel. It apparently, is a bogey a master key made to appear where the US and the others wish to gain access in a dramatic military way. If not then,how come it is the South Asia, South Central Asia, M.E and Muslim dominated African countries, the only regions where they appear and create sub-group. Such as Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the one in Somalia called al-Shabaab and Jundullah etc, playing a destabilizing role out there.

Watch this video and Hear what Mrs.Clinton has to confess about this:
Hillary Clinton CONFESSION About TALIBAN- US responsible for Pakistan situation .

After reading this article, it clearly manifests that radical youths are being trained in US and returning to their respective country of origin to join such radical groups. In this article the writer talks about the Somalian youths leaving their comfortable life in the US and heading towards their country of origin to join the radicals .Similarly, in Pakistan 5 American of Pakistani origin traveled to join Taliban .they were caught and put on trial and presently serving sentences. The question which rises here is that how come their radicalization is being permitted in the US and then why are they allowed to travel to countries where already a wave of terrorism is going on?
It is very obvious that religion is being politicized in the US and EU by their is only those on power now who wish to kick that same constitution so that they can keep power"...The Islam phobia is being used as a tool, since the 9/11. Bearing in mind the above food for thought,one would simple call those deluded,who believe a 1400 years old religion with approx 1.5 billion faithful worldwide and undoubtedly the fastest growing one in the west (20,000 Americans, each year alone embrace Islam) could suddenly turn into one of the most extremist religion in the aftermath of one incident,9/11 2001...Which to is questionable and debatable for being an inside job. I suggest reading about operation Northwood’s ...I am positive you would get a better insight after studying it!
For your convenience:
2) Operation Northwoods,Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba
The only conclusion,which comes to mind is that Al-Qaeda is not a Muslim terrorist group but a bunch of criminal elements hired to malign Islam and act as bogey, by using it for selfish interest it may possibly lead to genuine terrorist being given birth too! Best this game should end before it leads to giving birth to any serious unmanageable consequences for everyone!

Pak-Iran gas pipeline-Eneregy crisis !

Pakistan is reeling under grave energy crisis and to confront it, the Iran -Pakistan gas pipeline projects completion at the earliest possible time frame, could immensely help overcome it.... An excerpt and the link of it's salient feature of a report of Hagler Bailly, a global management consulting firm with an office in Islamabad, would gives some idea of the fact that the concerned planners were forewarned of such a situation arising, after 2007.But unfortunately no measures were taken to preempt the expected crisis.

Worsening Gas and Electricity Crises in Pakistan

Hagler Bailly, a global management consulting firm with an office in Islamabad, warned in a 2006 study that Pakistan is going to witness gas shortage starting in 2007, and the imbalance will grow every year to cripple the economy by 2025, when shortage will be 11,092 MMCFD (Million standard cubic feet per day) against total 13,259 MMCFD production. The Hagler Bailly report added that Pakistan's gas shortage would get much worse in the next two decades if it did not manage any alternative sources. It appears that we are seeing the beginning of the crisis that HB predicted back in 2006.

Recent Growth in Gas Demand:

Demand for natural gas in Pakistan increased by almost 10 percent annually from 2000-01 to 2007-08, reaching around 3,200m cubic feet per day (MMCFD) last year, against the total production of 3,774 MMCFD, according to Pakistani official sources. But, during 2008-2009, the demand for natural gas exceeded the available supply, with production of 4,528 MMCFD gas against demand for 4,731 MMCFD, indicating a shortfall of 203 MMCFD. This winter, Sui Northern Gas sources have reportedly told the media that the company is dealing with a shortfall of 700 MMCFD of gas due to increasing use of heaters and geysers.

The abandoning or delaying project under pressure of the US, recent threat warning "that Pakistan could face American sanctions if it went ahead with the proposed gas pipeline project with Iran. The project was ‘inexplicable’ and sanctions would further ‘undermine’ Pakistan’s ‘already shaky’ economy" communicated by Mrs.Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State,yesterday to her counterpart in Pakistan, could prove more harmful to the Pakistan's economy and it's regional sociopolitical interests,then the purported threatened sanctions, if and whenever put in place, of theirs made shamelessly and unmindful of the fact that Pakistan were their ally, having rendered huge human and material sacrifices for their so-called war on terror !

This not the first occasion that they have attempted to block Pakistan's effort to ease out of their energy crisis.They even created uncalled for obstacles by raising objection against the Park-China agreement to build 2 additional reactor plants/project designated to be built at the existing Chasma nuclear plant facility. Ultimately, forcing China, to avoid violating international agreements with the only option to alternatively supply reactors built on an older design version....Secondly,they flatly rebuffed Pakistan request for a civil nuclear agreement similar to what they had signed with India.It is more then evident that their intentions for Pakistan's progress and prosperity, as per their objectives,have not exactly been sincere !

The greatest, irony is that they have nothing to offer as an alternate.,except the TAPI project,which if ever materialized could take years on year.Moreover,it is no hidden secret that there were other reasons for which TAPI was reported not unfeasible.Such as that the quality of the gas from Turkmenistan was low graded,the well from which it was to be supplied, was under a Italian Company and they possibly were found to be unwilling to supply and importantly, last but not least the long route passing through the unstable Afghanistan had no guarantee of it's security.This is in the knowledge of the US administration and sadly yet they persist in recommending the same as a better option ?...

All these social development schemes being made and offered by foreign aid giving agency's would be an exercise in futility,until or unless our energy crisis which drives the wheels of the economy are not overcome and met with on war footings.Moreover,the security and law and order situation must be brought under control,it is only then that the climate for foreign investment and all these social development projects could be successfully implemented with the desired results to stabilize and boost our failing economy.

Truly,this is the time to build a social pressure on the decision making authorities to ensure that nothing apart from Pakistan and it's people interests and benefits could be considered nor accepted.The policy to be strictly followed, should not be anything else ,except Pakistan First!

The US administration should also be made to understand that their demand and pressure in this regard is unjustified and that any further insistence could only strain relation more between them and Pakistan. Doing disservice to their own regional plans and efforts and also to Pakistan's interests !

Pakistan does want to retain good relations with them,but not at the cost of it's solidarity, they have to be balanced in a way that they are mutually beneficial and serving the best interest of both partners!They must understand our problems,national interests and also respect our sovereignty dignity !Relationships cannot be expected to sustain when their are lopsided with one side reaping all the benefits without caring for the other party.

The reality of their (US) Iran sanction being adhered to by other country's is that except UK and a few EU country's the rest of the country's, who were already, trading with Iran have not bothered to end them and are continuing with their business as usual in their nations best interest.Thus,why should Pakistan ?.

Pakistan Zindabad-Paendabad

Meeting at Presidency discusses Pak-US relations

ISLAMABAD, Feb 29: A high-level meeting held in the Presidency on Wednesday evening reviewed Pakistan-US relations against the backdrop of the situation in Baluchistan, Afghanistan and Iran.

RELATED links for detailed and informative sources for references:


South Asia Investor Review: Worsening Gas and Electricity Crises in Pakistan:

Economy - overview:

CNG Industry in Pakistan:

Electricity sector in Pakistan :

Failed government and derailing democracy.

I completely disagree and dispute the contention held by some upholders of democracy, politicians and law makers, that the process of removing a serving government before it’s mandated time period through democratic or by means of constitutional law and people’s pressure, would derail the democratic system.

I believe we need to view Democracy and Government separately through a different perspective. In Italy and Japan, government changes after a year or so, but still there democracy is strengthening day by day. The truth is that there may be the best system established, but if those who are supposed to run it are inept, it is bound to fail.

Democracy is a system, through which governments are formed. If a government is not delivering in accordance to the aspiration and welfare of the people, then it can safely be implied that it has failed and should go! This cannot in any terms be considered as democracy as a system, is being derailed, as we are being made to believe in Pakistan.

If an elected government is delivering, then it has all the right to complete its mandated tenure, but if it proves to be inept and a failure and has lost the people’s confidence in them, then there is no compulsion that they should continue to misrule and destroy the country!

In the latter situation the best moral and democratic practice to be followed could be that they should themselves accept their failure, offer to dissolve and call for a fresh election. Unfortunately there appears to be lack or rather total absence of such moral courage in politicians. In other words, when an elected government loses the popularity and confidence of the majority of the people, then it is wise not to stick around and wait to be booted. Best way around would be to go back to the same people and seek their fresh vote of confidence. My contention is that politicians should, by themselves evolve such moral courage that they should accept failure and desist from retaining power by hook or crook. Their stubborn attitude is what compels the third force to overthrow them and take over the reins. What should be most important above all considerations is the national interest and not self-interest.

I am not implying that any undemocratic or extra-constitutional methods of removal of an elected government should be deployed. But I see nothing fruitful in the argument that failed governance should be allowed to continue and endanger the very existence of the country.

It is due to the greed of retaining power by our politicians in spite of their failure, that the ground gets paved for dictators to move in and grab power! Their own selfish interests are usually the cause for their downfall. The truth is that the current government has been successful to survive all this time, only by appeasing oppositions and cuddling them, not by working for the welfare of the people at the grass root. The frustration within the masses has boiled to a point where they cannot wait any more.

Honestly speaking, practically all the civilian governments which came into power were supported by the same establishment with ‘external’ blessing, of course! It is a case similar to the pot calling the kettle, black. In all earnestness , if the politician’s wish for the establishment to become subservient to civilian rule, they themselves have to resist the temptations of coming in to power from the back door.

Popular and peaceful people pressures are part of the democratic norm. That was how the Judges got restored and a dictator made to resign. This is a recent precedent for our country. It is fine, when a dictator has to be pushed to pack up bags, then why not a failed government which could be leading the country to certain doom. The objection to people pressure being accounted as undemocratic would appear to be maintaining dual standards.

The present government has completed 80 % of their tenure and the number of crisis confronting the nation compound day by day. How do you propose to convince anyone, that what hasn’t been achieved in this time would be eventually be fixed in this 20% of the stipulated period?

Thus in all fairness and in the best interest of the country, I believe it’s not a governments 100% right to govern till the end of a mandated period of time. Rather, if they want to strengthen democracy, they should gracefully step down and revert to the masses to seek a fresh vote of confidence.

Article was published on the Winner @ Pakistan Blog Awards 2011, blog

Women’s empowerment or cultural overhaul

Twinkle, twinkle little star how, I wonder what you are?

I remember reciting this nursery rhyme as a kid at school. Today, my astonishment lies with little and big ‘stars’ being stud in my country by fairly large number of mushroomed foreign funded NGOs. One of my bewilderment which makes me ponder repeatedly is most popular slogan of today i.e. women’s emancipation and empowerment. These NGOs have sprung up in our country since over a decade, driving an agenda to liberate our women. I ask, liberate from what or whom?

Pakistani women work shoulder to shoulder with the opposite gender in every walk of life, be it private or public sector, government offices, armed forces, judiciary, medical and nursing field, science and technology, media organisations, education and even as elected legislators of provincial and national assemblies, even the office of the Prime Minister at least twice. It wouldn’t be impertinent to wonder how come the United States of America, a country which is most advanced and highly developed, never had a female as head of the state.

If viewed in light of the above, there appears to be a fallacy that our women are not into decision making processes in the country and are oppressed and majority are still in the kitchen. And what is so unusual about women being in the kitchen? Same is the case in the west. Who do you suppose, takes care of the kitchen and domestic chores out in the western family? Here, at least due to labour being cheap most of the middle class upwards, women folks are blessed with domestic help, whether it is kitchen, laundry, house cleaning and even many with chauffeurs to drive them around. How many of those in the west can afford that luxury? The upbringing of children begins from home and none better than mother can do that in the best manner. The old adage truly states that “behind every successful man is a woman’’ is absolutely right from the childhood till becoming a spouse!

Thus the lingering question “Where is the empowerment and emancipation lacking?” which the foreign aid agency, are so generously funding to promote in Pakistan?

Wait, just a moment, on a second thought probably, they could be right, our women are oppressed! Let’s take a closer look and observe. Yes, they adhere to cultural norms, values and religious sentiments and belief. On top of that they are proudly and willingly wearing a Hijab (head scarf) or covering themselves from head to toe with a Burka to protect their modesty!

That definitely is a mark of ”oppression’ in world’s eye. However, if they abandon the norms of culture and religion and dress immodestly and attended gatherings of dance and booze, they would surely become liberated, wouldn’t they? I was just wondering why do the Nuns cover themselves from head to toe and abstain from ‘evil’?

Our women can be further be empowered and liberated if the parents would allow their young daughters to develop ‘relationships’ with boys and go hang out with them whenever they wish and wherever they desire. What’s wrong with having a boyfriend? What is the worst that could happen, apart from a rare possibility of being molested or raped or teenage pregnancies?

Wow! now that is called real liberation and empowerment. How silly of me not to have understood such simple difference between oppressed and liberated when such crystal clear examples were present right under my nose! Thanks to all funds arriving in Pakistan in the name of women empowerment and humanitarian grounds actually giving rise to an overhaul of our ‘ancient’ society’s culture, traditions and moral values. Finally, our women folks would be liberated, Yippee Yea!

Article was published on the Winner @ Pakistan Blog Awards 2011, blog

Gender Rights or Human Rights ?

Comparing man with a woman is like trying to equate the table with a chair or queuing up a Horse,Donkey,Zebra,goat and a sheep in one one line and counting them as same...

In my opinion, both man and woman undoubtedly have their own distinct features and good or bad quality's. If taken from a religious or natures point of view.The creator must have had a purpose in mind for having created two separate genders, possessing physiologically different features and yet at the same time ensuring they complement each other in many ways, in their own useful and meaningful manner.

Realistically speaking neither can snatch away or reverse the usefulness of their God gifted quality's,ability's and the purpose. Nor,can they become superior to the other in their own departments, as best designed for and blessed by their creator.Also no,community or society can ever be able to grow in the absence of either of them.!

I feel these categorization, such as women's rights,children's right ,gay's right etc, in fact apparently are promoting and creating a divide and discrimination, more then bonding the society as a whole! Why are we bent upon discriminating men and women or for that matter various other human beings in the society?.

Wouldn't it be more logical and sensible, if we thought on the terms and basis of humanity,justice and merit only and directed our efforts collectively to wipe out the oppression and injustice, perpetrated by the rich against the poor and the strong against the weak and so on forth ?...Since, oppression,injustice and nepotism, victimization in the society, as a whole are not restricted to any specific gender,be it a man,woman or children, all are equally affected by it.

The planning could be done on merit basis,why does it have to be discriminated on gender basis ? If the society is to be progressed and developed on the basis of equality and justice ,then merit should be criteria,no discriminatory concessions should then be allowed to be given,based on any other consideration.Be it man.woman,child gay or straight,black or white etc

Lets promote human rights with equal opportunity's, based purely on merit and justice for all without any preferential treatment or special privileges for the fair ones, such as "Ladies First" or separate ques,reserved travel space in public transport and last but not least same relief and punishments for crimes committed and breaking the law.For example why should the men only be hung at the gallows when awarded a capital punishment ?. This is the only way the lopsidedness or the imbalance within the society can be marginalized.

My debate,here is not about who is more burdened and certainly not which of the two gender is superior then the other.It is simply to provoke a thought that discrimination leads to a division and more of a in-fight ensues within the society.Raising the question of who is getting more rights and who less.Thus in a nutshell,if we were to concentrate on rights and responsibility purely on a humanitarian grounds,it could well enough result in possibly ending this clash of the genders.As regards to the example of ques etc .They were quoted to emphasize the somewhat a hypocritical approach or probably a duality.If one feels equal to the other in rights and desires same level of opportunity without any discrimination.The in all fairness one must be entitled and prepared to receive the same treatment and not preferential ! You cannot be asked to be treated as Ladies first and then in the same breath say we are equal:)

As far as oppression and and the deprivation is concerned.Believe me there are criminals,cruel,oppressive and corrupt in both the genders.The females are no exception as far as immorality and crime matter.Had it not been a ground reality, then in every society there wouldn't have been women prisoner's serving sentences in jails for crimes as heinous no less compared probably committed by the opposite sex:)

Conclusion: The Feminist Movement coaxing is to a certain degree agitating women and adding to more frictions and broadening the gap between the two genders.Now,it is more of a demanding relation then of a adjusting and compromising between them.Possibly resulting in soured relations and more broken family's ? The love and affection appears to be dwindling and sort of visibly converting into a competition?And, rebellious attitudes...In all fairness they are made for each other and both meant to complement one another :)

...Just my observation and opinion,without sounding prejudiced to either of the sex.I could be wrong,entirely.